Our Programs

Start your idea – Start

Create Project

We all have an idea and each one of us have their own way, let your idea see the light. Let us help you to make your idea into reality by studying and presenting it to the investors.

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Consultants – Consult

Consultants – Consult

You will work hard, you’ll face difficulties, break the barriers.
We provide you with the necessary guidance and support to successfully run your project and make the optimum decision, through Afaaq consultants in many different fields (Law – Finance – Management – Industry – Medicine... Etc.)

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Look for an investor or you become an investor.

Look for an investor or you become an investor

Creative people turned an idea into reality. You can invest your money or idea in the presented projects and be part of the successful reality.

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Projects advertisements.

Projects advertisements

So, we can continue the path and stay on the road. Save your time! Buy or sell your existing project. Together towards new horizons. Projects Selling: Buy and Sell projects

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